Remember when you were a teenager or a 20-something, and you could eat whatever you wanted without worrying about gaining weight? That kind of fast metabolism is the envy of many people.
As people grow older, their metabolism naturally slows down. It’s just one of those facts of life that we all have to accept. Or is it?
We’re here to say no! You don’t have to throw up your hands or spend hours at the gym every day just to maintain a fighting weight. Check out these superfoods and other tips that will help you speed up your metabolism!
1. Do Not Starve Yourself
If you think about how weight loss works — eat fewer calories than you burn in a given day, and your body will naturally turn to your stored fat for energy — the idea of just eating less makes perfect sense.
But consider this from a biological standpoint.
If your body suddenly stops getting the fuel it needs, it thinks something is wrong. It reacts to the perceived food shortage by slowing things down. In a crisis, that’s reasonable. No more mastodon to nosh on? We’re built to live on our reserves, so we won’t burn calories as quickly.
The solution? Deceive your metabolism by acting as though you have plenty of food. Have a small snack — about 150 calories’ worth of a nutrient-dense food like nuts, yogurt, or vegetables plus protein should do it — three times a day.
2. Keep Moving!
It’s understandable that after a long, tiring day of dealing with Shirley from bookkeeping and her incompetence, all you want to do is collapse on the couch. A little popcorn, a glass of pinot noir, and the latest Game of Thrones episode — what could be wrong with that?
Plenty, it turns out — but it’s not only the snack and the drink. When you are sedentary, your otherwise fast metabolism interprets this as a warning. Humans are designed to move, a lot, and if they stop moving, biology kicks in to conserve calories. That means your metabolism slows down. It’s harder than ever to lose those extra pounds, even if you put away the Smartfood.
It’s OK to relax and enjoy your show, but make sure to get plenty of aerobic exercise. Experts recommend 175 minutes of moderate activity, like walking or swimming, or 75 minutes spent running or engaging in more vigorous exercise.
In essence, this tells your metabolism, “See? I’m still active! Keep burning those calories!”
3. Mom Was Right: Breakfast Really Is the Most Important Meal of the Day
Eat something within an hour of getting up in the morning (and by “getting up,” we mean “waking up,” not “crawling out of bed after checking email and Facebook for 45 minutes”). This may be especially important for women; those who skip breakfast are four and a half times more likely to be obese.
4. Go Ahead and Have That Cuppa
Most of us don’t like to start the day without our morning java or black tea. It so happens that this is actually a great idea if you want a fast metabolism. Since both coffee and caffeinated tea speed up the central nervous system, they can help jump-start your calorie burn rate.
If you’re a tea drinker, choose green tea. The antioxidants in this beverage can help burn an extra 70-100 calories per day! Don’t overdo it, though. Just a few cups a day will provide metabolic benefits without making you jittery.
5. Grab a Big Gulp
…of water, that is!
After you’ve had those caffeine drinks, choose plain, cold H20 as your thirst-quencher. German researchers have discovered that about 48 ounces per day of chilled water will boost your resting metabolism. It’s likely that the energy it takes to bring the water to body temperature is to credit for this fast metabolism hack. At any rate, adequate water intake is necessary to keep you hydrated and prevent bloating, so don’t skimp.
6. Eat Right To Speed Up Your Metabolism
You know you need to eat the right combination of nutrients, protein, fiber, and antioxidant-rich foods. Doing so benefits your body in so many ways. But did you know that one of those ways includes revving up your metabolism? It’s true.
Just in case you’ve been living under a rock for the past decade (in which case it’s no wonder your fast metabolism has slowed down!), here’s what you should be putting into your body. Lean protein like chicken breast, legumes, or low-fat dairy. Plenty of organic fruits and vegetables, the brighter-colored the better.
Iron-rich foods — think shellfish and spinach — are important, as are those rich in Vitamin D, such as salmon, tofu and eggs. Whole grains provide the energy you need without the dreaded mid-afternoon crash that accompanies their white-carb cousins.
7. Strive to Be a Hothead
Love hot peppers like jalapenos, smoky chipotles, and habaneros? You’re in luck. The capsaicin in these spicy ingredients can help release adrenaline, which can stimulate a fast metabolism. No joke!
If you can barely handle the mildest salsa sold in the grocery store, no worries. Dried mustard and chili powder can have the same metabolism boosting effects. You can also acclimate your body to the hot stuff. Just take it slowly and increase your spice level bit by bit.
8. Fight Fat with Fiber
Fiber is famously good for keeping you regular, but it can also contribute to a fast metabolism. Aim for 25 grams per day. Legumes like lentils and chickpeas are high in dietary fiber, as are fruits and vegetables.
9. Want Fast Metabolism? Put Down That Drink
Did you know that every alcoholic beverage you consume actually decreases your body’s ability to burn fat? Beer belly syndrome is real. Not even a super fast metabolism can prevent that beer from going to your waistline, particularly once you reach a certain age. Keep your intake to two drinks or fewer. Otherwise, your body burns calories at a much slower rate.
If you are truly serious about developing a fast metabolism and losing those excess pounds, one of the best things you can do for yourself is to look into doctor-supervised weight loss programs. Curious to learn more? Give us a call today!