Individuals in the United States suffer from about one billion colds per year.
No one likes having to miss work due to an illness, and the advent of Covid-19 has led to an even greater risk of serious complications.
Are there ways to strengthen your immune system naturally to ensure that you will be less likely to suffer?
The answer is yes. Here are some practical ways that you can build your immune support.
1. Exercise Regularly
Most people think of exercise merely as a way to lose weight. Yet getting moving can also serve to flush bacteria out of your lungs, which could help reduce your chances of getting colds and cases of the flu.
Moderate activity for about 20 minutes per day can improve your immune system. If you haven’t gotten moving in a while, try out a yoga class or get moving on the elliptical trainer. Exercise is also a great way to ward off disease and give your mood a quick boost.
2. Get Your Vitamins
Certain vitamins are critical for immune system support. In particular, Vitamin C helps with many cellular immune functions. It can also help fight free radicals, which will decrease inflammation and help improve your immune system further.
There are lots of wonderful food sources for Vitamin C, including strawberries, bell peppers, and oranges. You can also get your fix from cherries, broccoli, and kale. If you’re unable to get enough Vitamin C into your diet, the right immune support vitamins can send you on your way to better health. https://www.shopchirothin.com/collections/all-products/products/immune-support
In addition, Vitamin B6 works to keep your immune system healthy by making new red blood cells and transporting oxygen throughout your body. You can find it in cold water fish like salmon and tuna, which are also excellent sources of protein. It’s also present in green veggies and chickpeas, which you’ll appreciate if you like hummus.
Vitamin D is also a critical part of your immune system because it helps regulate the activity of the immune cells that create antiviral responses. It’s present in egg yolks, fortified cereal, and red meat.
In addition, Vitamin A can help increase the activity of your immune system, and it may even help your body fight off cancer. Foods like carrots, leafy greens, and sweet potatoes are great sources. If you’re serious about staying healthy throughout the season, make sure to get your recommended amount of Vitamin A.
3. Get Enough Sleep
If you aren’t getting enough sleep, you probably don’t have a strong immune system. While we’re sleeping, our bodies produce an important protein called cytokines. These help your body to fight infection and inflammation.
Our bodies also create T-cells during this time. These are the white blood cells that are important to immune responses to infections, including Covid-19.
The average adult needs between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night. If you have trouble getting your Zzzs, consider establishing a relaxing nighttime routine that gets you ready to snooze.
Take a hot bath, read a book, or listen to relaxing music. Looking at your phone before bed isn’t a good idea, since the blue light emitted by it can prevent your body’s production of melatonin, making it even more difficult for you to fall asleep. You should also avoid exercising at least 90 minutes before bedtime.
4. Limit Your Sugar Intake
Eating too much sugar can increase your risk of obesity, which will in turn increase your risk of getting sick.
If you want to eat less of the bad sugars that cause weight gain, cut down on sweetened foods and start eating more fresh or frozen fruits. Avoid things like soda, juice, and too many refined carbs. These are present in pasta, cookies, and cakes.
5. Drink Enough Water
Water can actually carry oxygen to the cells in your body, which will result in stronger systems. It also serves to remove toxins. In addition, staying hydrated can fill your body with nutrients, flush out bacteria, and protect your organs and tissues.
Most people need about four to six cups of water per day. Grab a bottle and keep it with you at work or while you’re exercising. It will also help to prevent cramps so you’ll be able to stay active longer.
If you aren’t inclined to drink water naturally, try flavoring it with a bit of fresh fruit in your fridge. Or you can try alternatives like seltzer for a little extra taste.
6. Keep Stress Down
One of the main reasons individuals suffer from poor immunity is that they are stressed out. Long-term stress can promote inflammation as well as suppress your immune system responses.
There are lots of ways to manage stress, including journaling, meditation, and exercise. If you are really having trouble managing your feelings, consider talking to a qualified therapist. Many also offer online sessions if you’re busy.
7. Stay Clean
Washing your hands regularly removes germs from them. This can help prevent infection because we are often touching our eyes, noses, and mouths without realizing it. If you aren’t careful, you can pick up whatever infections are around quite easily.
It’s also important to continue disinfecting frequently touched surfaces. This might include doorknobs, light switches, and computer keyboards. Making the time to keep your home, school, or place of work clean will go a long way toward preventing illness.
Boosting Immune Support
The right vitamins, sleep, and lifestyle is critical for strong immune support. If you’re eating well, exercising, and drinking plenty of water, you will stay healthy for all of the important things you have to do.
For more information about immune support vitamins and weight loss, visit us today.