If you struggle with high blood pressure, then you’re far from alone. Around half of adults in the United States have hypertension. There are many types of blood pressure support medications on the market, but what else can be done to maintain blood pressure?
Read on to learn proven ways to reduce high blood pressure. With minor lifestyle changes, you can enjoy the health benefits of normal blood pressure.
Manage Your Diet
We’re sure that you have heard that you “are what you eat.” While that is not literally true, your diet is a huge influencer on your blood pressure. The right blend of salt, plants, and other foods and minerals can increase or lower your blood pressure surprisingly quickly.
Plant-Based Foods
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only one in 10 Americans consumes enough fruits and vegetables. Adults should consume between 2.5 and 3.5 cups of vegetables every day.
Fruits and veggies include important nutrients like omega oils, unrefined carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamins. Proper nutrition allows your body to function at a high level, which allows for healthy levels of blood pressure.
Lowering Salt Intake
Salt can help balance blood pressure. Too much salt can cause your body to absorb water, which can increase your blood pressure. Potassium is another element that can increase blood pressure.
Experts recommend consuming no more than 2,300 milligrams a day. Preferably, you should try to lower your salt intake to 1,500 mg per day or lower.
You may be shocked to learn that the average American consumes more than 3,400 mg of sodium on a daily basis!
Nutritious Fats
Not all fats are bad for you. Plant-based sources of oils like nuts, olive oil, omega oils, and avocados contain healthy forms of fat. These oils tend to not be saturated, meaning they will not clog your arteries.
As you look for plant-based sources of oil, try to reduce animal-sourced fats and processed foods in general. If you do consume oils, try to make sure they are from fish and seafood.
The DASH Diet
Have you heard of the DASH diet? The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension include recommendations to prioritize whole grains, vegetables, nuts, seeds, fruits, beans, and low-fat dairy products when possible.
The dash diet is easy to follow because it is flexible. Following the DASH diet is proven to lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol.
As you increase your intake of certain foods, try to reduce salt, animal, sugar, and processed foods.
Reduce Alcohol Consumption
Some studies have shown that moderate consumption of red wine can have health benefits. This is due to the antioxidants as much as anything.
Drinking can be a stress-reliever when handled in the right way. Most Americans drink too much, and this can have the opposite effect.
Everyone’s metabolism is different. For some people, even modest alcohol consumption can lead to elevated blood pressure. People who drink high quantities of alcohol can expect elevated blood pressure.
Consult with your doctor to determine what is a safe level of alcohol consumption, based on your body weight and history of hypertension.
Who doesn’t love a hot cup of java in the morning? Unfortunately, some people experience higher blood pressure after consuming caffeine. This is by no means true for everybody.
Coffee actually has antioxidants that are healthy for our cardiovascular system. Most people can handle moderate levels of caffeine and be just fine. If you are looking for ways to reduce your blood pressure, try experimenting. It may be worth cutting coffee for a week or two just to see the results.
Home Remedies
There are plenty of home remedies that do not require medical interventions or prescriptions. The great thing about these options is that there is no risk of adverse side effects.
Lifestyle changes have been proven to reduce blood pressure. If you are looking for non-medical interventions, try these home remedy options .
Regular Exercise
Are you getting 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise every week? Most Americans aren’t, but exercise is a safe and effective means of lowering blood pressure. Exercise improves the health of your heart and arteries.
Start out by walking a few blocks every morning. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
Don’t overdo it, though. As always, consult with your primary care physician before trying any high-intensity workouts.
Losing Weight
Did you know that studies have shown that losing even five pounds can reduce blood pressure? Any loss of weight will also improve the effectiveness of your blood pressure meds.
Loss of weight should come from a balance of a healthy diet and regular exercise.
Getting too little sleep can stress your body. One of the results can be hypertension. As a general rule, aim for at least eight hours of sleep.
Natural Remedies
Meditation, yoga, and tai chi can help both your mind and body. Alternative therapies have little risk of adverse effects, especially when performed under the direction of a trained professional.
Do some research and see if biofeedback, transcendental meditation, or alternative supplements like probiotics, black tea, flaxseed, and other medicinal plants can help you lower your risk for hypertension. https://www.shopchirothin.com/collections/top-products/products/bp-control
Learn More Tips on Blood Pressure Support
Simple steps like reducing alcohol consumption and adding plants to your diet can boost your blood pressure support options. Make a habit out of these changes and try to take on too many lifestyle changes at once. Remember that habits take time to form.
Are you ready to get started on the path to a healthier you? Click here to find a ChiroThin doctor in your area.