It’s one thing to diet and to lose weight, it’s a whole nother thing to keep that pesky weight off.
The holidays are usually the worst culprit for gaining weight back. I’m sure you’ve experienced it. New Year’s resolution to lose weight, you slip up maybe a few times throughout the year, but for the most part, you’ve really started losing that weight.
And then, bam! Thanksgiving and Christmas role around again with all those big meals, holiday parties with snacks, and the holiday candy. And, before you know it, you’re making yet another New Year’s resolution to lose weight again.
So how can you break the cycle? How do you diet and keep from gaining weight back?
Trust Your Diet
If you find yourself gaining weight back, adjust your mindset towards losing weight.
Most people who diet and gain the weight back think it’s ok to cheat or take a break for awhile here and there, especially around the holidays.
The fact is, that’s how you gained the weight in the first place, the nonchalant cavalier attitude about eating what you want when you want. After all, one piece of cake here or there isn’t going to hurt.
Diets are designed to ensure you get all the foods needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle and believe it or not that includes snacks, desserts, and junk food.
And no, I don’t mean healthy snacks or desserts, I mean actual unhealthy junk food. Your diet allows for those moments. If you’re creating your own cheat days on top of what your diet recommends, all you’re doing is negating all the work you’ve put into your diet.
Accept that you’ll never again be able to eat what you want when you want, instead trust in your diet and consult a nutritionist or doctor if you have any questions about your diet.
Restrictive Diets
If your diet is considered a restrictive diet, i.e. it cuts out entire food groups like carbs, gluten, or anything else, its best to steer clear of it.
Diets like crash diets, detox diets, and restrictive diets can actually slow your metabolism and shift your appetite-regulating hormones, two of the biggest factors in weight gain.
It’s best to actually consult your doctor as well as a nutritionist when it comes to dieting. They will be able to guide you towards diets which will best suit your bodies needs. Keeping you healthy and well-balanced nutritionally.
Don’t Do It Alone
Here’s the thing, dieting is just a fancy term for kicking the habit of eating. Eating has become a habit or addiction, and like any habit or addiction, you should never go it alone.
Ask for help, from friends, family, co-workers, classmates, anybody who could assist you with it.
And hold them accountable, as well as yourself. If you’re invited to dinner or a party, make sure there will be foods available that you can have and fit in line with your diet.
If there isn’t going to be, consider asking the host if they would mind if you brought your own dish. If they’re supportive they won’t have a problem with any of those things.
If they do have a problem with it, maybe you shouldn’t go to the party or really associate with them, after all, you’re trying to overcome an addiction and they’re not being very supportive.
Get Back into the Game as Soon as Possible
Should you fail, slide backwards, relapse, or whatever else you want to call it, get back into the game as soon as possible.
Don’t beat yourself up over it, however. Everybody falls off the wagon now and again. The important thing to do is get right back into your diet and routine as soon as possible.
Don’t think of the setback as a failure, but rather a learning experience. Something to look back upon and reference in the future of what didn’t work or what was a trigger to cause you to begin eating whatever you want whenever you want.
Pick yourself up, dust yourself and get back to it as soon as possible.
Consulting Your Doctor
If you find yourself having trouble keeping the weight off consult your doctor. Check with them for any ideas, especially before trying any new diets. Your doctor can help guide you on your body needs, is lacking, or is getting too much of.
They can also help monitor your overall health to ensure the diet is actually helping you instead of hurting you in the short- or long-term. A doctor guided diet is the safest, best way to effectively lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Doctor guided diets can include weekly visits with your doctor where you will answer questions about your overall health, how well you’re sticking to your diet, and any challenges you experienced in the last week.
Your doctor will also give you instructions for the upcoming week, and make note of how much weight you’ve lost in the previous week and since you’ve started.
You may also receive an 8-point body measurement and detailed information beyond your weight on how well the diet is benefiting you and your overall health.
What If You Are Gaining Weight Back?
If you are gaining weight back, that’s ok. It happens. Not fret, don’t get depressed and most importantly don’t quit.
If you’ve begun to slide away from your diet get back on track as soon as possible. If you find yourself sticking to your diet and still gaining weight back, then consult your doctor to ensure there are no underlying health issues preventing you from losing weight.
If there are no underlying health issues, your doctor may be able to recommend a new diet or provide a doctor guided diet that will help with not gaining weight back.
Should you find yourself still at a loss for losing weight, or are in the market to try a new diet but have questions or concerns, let us help you find one near you.