It’s summer. You’re shopping for an awesome swimsuit, and it’s all going great. That is until you look in the mirror and realize that you might not be as beach-ready as you thought.
Have no fear. We can get through this together.
We’ve already told you about our very own ChrioThin weight loss program that can help you to cut down to your bathing suit shape this summer. But what else can you do to slim down your figure?
Come along as we teach you how to detox your body and maybe lose some weight while doing it!
Drink As Much Water as You Can
This step is the simplest way to start to learn how to detox your body. It’s also probably something you didn’t realize you’re neglecting on a daily basis.
Drinking a lot of water a day helps your body to flush out toxins, but is the old 6 to 8 cups a day still the golden standard for your health?
As Huffington Post recently reported, that number may be a lot less than we originally thought.
They found, through a report from the Institute of Medicine, that:
“Men aged 19 and over should generally take in at least 3.7 liters of total water every day – about 15.6 cups a day. Women ages 19 and up should take in 2.7 liters of total water every day, which is about 11.4 cups a day. And if pregnant or breastfeeding, the recommendations go even higher, to 12.6 cups and 16 cups, respectively.”
So, remember to drink as much water as you can and stay away from sugary sodas and energy drinks. They will only get in the way of the detoxing process.
Hit the Gym the Right Way
You really can’t underestimate the power of a good workout.
But while you’re learning how to detox your body, it may not be helpful to hit the gym as hard as you are used to.
If you are used to distance-running, make sure to cut down to a shorter route with less intensity. Since you are going to be cutting down on your food intake, you may be spreading yourself out too thin.
Sleep is Key
Let’s face it. No one makes good decisions when they are tired.
You get cranky, irritable and are probably not the most fun person to be around. But not getting enough sleep could be another roadblock to learning how to detox your body and lose weight.
According to WebMD, exhaustion makes you crave more sugary, high-calorie foods. Basically, it’s looking for an energy boost anywhere it can find one.
So, remember to get your 8 hours in or you may make some regrettable snacking choices.
Take a Break from the Bottle
You probably know this already, but it’s probably a smart move to cut down on your alcohol intake if you’re considering a detox.
Most hard beverages are either full of sugar or carbs that will come back to harm you on your quest to slim down. Plus, doing this will also give your liver a break to help combat other things during your diet.
So if you’re wondering how you can detox your body, it might be in your best interest to put down the bottle.
At least for a little while.
Cook More at Home
This might be tough, especially in the summer when it’s nice out.
But, as CNN discovered, cooking at home will allow you to control all of the ingredients in each meal and will allow you to adhere to the rules of your detox or diet. But if you prepare your meals at home, you will have no excuses.
Don’t let yourself off the hook with that burger and fries.
Be strong!
Replace a Meal with a Smoothie
This is a simple way to cut down on calories during the day while getting the protein and vitamins your body needs.
If you keep them on the healthier side, you can trick yourself into thinking you’re drinking a milkshake. This will help your brain ween off of those cravings for sweets.
Have No Fear, Superfoods are Here!
By having one hearty superfood-based vegetarian meal a day you will stay away from salty seasoning on meat dishes that will cause you to overeat.
Oh, and these superfoods like kale, black beans, and broccoli will fill you up.
By making the switch to at least one meal a day, you will curb your hunger and allow your body to flush out the toxins you’re trying to detox without any outside influences.
Start Your Day with Lemon and Water
This is a simple way to keep yourself regular in the morning.
By sipping on a hot cup of water with some freshly squeezed lemon juice instead of sugary coffee drinks in the morning, you will be able to cut down on some unnecessary calories in the morning.
By switching to this simple alternative to start your day, it will give your liver and digestive tract a jump-start. This will help your body process the food you eat. All of this will help you on your way to weight loss.
Switch to Green Tea
As it’s well known that coffee is a great diuretic, but it can also harm your kidney’s ability to process some of the nutrients your body takes in during the day.
By switching to Green Tea you will be able to process food and lose fat at a quicker rate than with coffee.
Treat Yourself to a Massage
See? Detoxing isn’t all just horrible dietary changes.
By getting a detox massage from a trained professional, the toxins in your flesh and muscles are wrung out of your body like a wet rag and are set right again.
So do yourself a favor.
Treat yourself to a massage!
There You Have It – Now You Know How to Detox Your Body and Lose Weight While Doing it!
Now the power is yours to flush out your body and get in the best shape of your life.
You’ve probably already thought about why you should start a diet. Following these simple detoxing tips will help you prepare for all of the changes you are about to make.
If you have any more questions on how to detox your body or other questions about our ChrioThin weight loss program, feel free to leave a comment bellow.
We can get through this together!